Kassidy's Story

At the age of four, Kassidy1 was diagnosed with a rare condition causing muscle weakness and skeletal abnormalities. She had to rely on family to help her perform simple tasks. Her mother, Kaitlin*, recognized that a powered wheelchair would significantly improve Kassidy's quality of life and enable her to be more mobile, but the process wasn’t simple.

Based on identification of Kassidy's clinical profile, her family was matched with a dedicated Special Needs Initiative Advisor, to help the family navigate the healthcare system, reduce their out-of-pocket costs, and improve their clinical outcomes.

Through the program and the work of her dedicated advisor, Kassidy was able to get her powered wheelchair and a new found independence.

Her advisor continues to work with the family one-on-one to provide support throughout Kassidy's health care journey.

Better Experience

“I have gotten to know [our Advisor] so well that if I leave my name, I am sure she knows just who I am. I now can just send her an email and have her look into the things that I need help with. Special needs parenting can be a full-time job.”